Monday, March 21, 2011

Slice #21 - The One Where I Meet Lois Lowry

I love our local independent bookstore.  Anderson's always brings in the best authors.  Tonight, I got to hear Lois Lowry speak about her new book, Bless this Mouse. Sometimes visiting authors just sign their books.  Tonight was a treat! Forty-five minutes of Lois sharing stories! The quote of the evening, "I started writing children's books because I realized that I could end up writing something that a 12-year-old reads that could change their life.  You can't do that with a 55-year-old."  I love this quote.  It reminds me of why I got into teaching.  Very powerful. 

P.S. - Lois shared that she is currently writing the 4th book in The Giver set (another companion book) about the character Gabriel!  Also, she is meeting with Sean Astin next week to discuss the Number the Stars movie progress! Exciting!!

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