Saturday, March 5, 2011

Slice #4 - Lit Nightclub

When most people drive by this bar, they may not see what I see. 

I'm a reader. 

When I drive by this bar, I see the place that houses Neil Gaiman's favorite place to go for happy hour.
When I drive by this bar, I see Judy Blume sipping Shirley Temples with Beverly Cleary.

I'm a reader.

When I drive by this bar, I see Sarah Dessen clinking margarita glasses with Cassandra Clare.
When I drive by this bar, I see Suzanne Collins playing Golden Tee with Neal Shusterman.

I'm a reader.

When I drive by this bar, I see JK Rowling buying a round.
When I drive by this bar, I see Lauren Oliver playing pool with Jay Asher.

I'm a reader.

And when I drive by this bar, I just hope they let me in! "I'm a reader!"

Who do you see?


  1. I like what you see, I am a reader too. I see Patricia Polacco purchasing Purple Passion for friends.

  2. Wouldn't it be fun if they could all be there? I'd love to read the crowd!

  3. When I drive by I see Virginia Wolf and her Bloomsbury gang sipping and plotting revolution of the spirit!
    Thanks for the ride,

  4. I see Emily Dickinson gazing longingly from a distant corner.

  5. As I was skimming down the line of slices trying to decide whose to read and comment on your "Lit Nightclub" caught my eye. I LOVE your interpretation of this aptly titled bar. What a wonderful and magical place you have created for it. (One that I'm sure stands in stark contrast to the reality which in my mind is something like a bad Ke$ha song.)
